Employer’s Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Ensuring that companies and institutions are inclusive and equitable is important, so the CCPD also provides support in evaluating a potential employer's commitment to equity and inclusion in the workplace.

Things to consider when assessing an employer’s commitment

Articles that provide suggestions on questions to ask/investigate

  • Employer Assistance and Resource Network on Disability Inclusion (EARN)
    EARN is a free resource that helps employers tap the benefits of disability diversity by educating public- and private-sector organizations on ways to build inclusive workplace cultures. EARN offers information and resources to empower individuals and organizations to become leaders in the employment and advancement of people with disabilities.
  • Job Accommodation Network (JAN)
    JAN is the leading source of free, expert, and confidential guidance on workplace accommodations and disability employment issues. Working toward practical solutions that benefit both employer and employee, JAN helps people with disabilities enhance their employability, and shows employers how to capitalize on the value and talent that people with disabilities add to the workplace.
  • Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP)
    ODEP, part of the U.S. Department of Labor, is the only non-regulatory federal agency that promotes policies and coordinates with employers and all levels of government to increase workplace success for people with disabilities.
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