More than 500,000 employers hire students on Handshake!
As the most trusted college recruiting platform, Handshake enables employers to connect with Rensselaer students through targeted outreach and digital features like virtual career fairs and events.
As a student with an activated Handshake account, you'll have access to review and apply to thousands of jobs posted throughout the year. You'll be invited to attend Employer Info Sessions, Workshops, Career Fairs and other special events. You can also connect with employers that interest you, as well as alumni and students from other universities. Join the Handshake Community to manage all aspects of your job search!
Students can:
- Apply for internships/jobs
- Schedule appointment(s) with their career counselors
- Attend virtual employer events and CCPD workshops
- Check-in with the CCPD team while on internship/co-op
- Connect with students at other universities using Handshake and more!
Employers can post:
- Open Jobs
- Internships - fall (fits Arch), spring (fits Arch), or summer (Must specify unpaid or paid in description)
- Co-ops (must be paid) summer to fall, spring to summer (fits Arch)
- Full/Time, entry-level and mid-career positions
- *Requests for information Sessions
- *Requests for On-Campus Interviews and On-Campus Recruiting
- *Registrations for the CCPD Career Fairs and other events
*Virtual until further notice