Thank you for your interest in becoming an employer sponsor with the RPI Center for Career & Professional Development (CCPD)! This initiative offers companies a unique opportunity to be even more engaged with RPI students. Sponsorships are limited and last through a full academic year; we encourage employers to sign up ahead of the Fall 2024 semester in order to use all of the benefits of their sponsorship level. Please have a look below for package options and contact Lori Flynn, Assistant Director of Employer Relations, at flynnl2@rpi.edu with questions or to sign up.
In addition to your organization fostering a stronger presence with RPI, funds from the sponsorship cost will go toward supporting the professional experiences and development of RPI students. Please note that as a requirement for participation in this program, each employer must have at least one job posting available in Handshake during the entirety of the sponsorship period.
Sponsorship registration for the 2025-2026 academic year will open in Handshake on Monday, June 2nd!
Sponsorship Levels
Looking to build brand awareness at RPI? A Standard Sponsorship provides additional marketing of your company name, logo, and open positions across campus. If you are planning to attend the Spring 2026 Career Fair, this sponsorship is a no-brainer!
- Registration cost for Spring 2026 Career Fair covered
- Priority booth placement and career fair sponsorship at no additional cost
- Name and company logo prominently displayed on CCPD website
- Extra promotion of open positions on CCPD website
- Inclusion in curated sponsors-only employer collection on Handshake
- Additional brand marketing via social media and digital campus monitors
Please note that sponsorships do not cover registration costs for the student-run Fall NSBE/SHPE Career Fair or any other fairs held throughout the year.
If you’d like to engage RPI students directly in addition to career fair attendance, becoming a Premier Sponsor can help you stand out. We’ll work with you to make sure that your company’s targeted recruiting events meet your needs and spark student interest!
- Personalized recruiting strategy meeting with Employer Relations team at start of sponsorship
- Premier booth placement at Spring 2026 Career Fair
- Priority booking for spring career fair week info session and on-campus interviews
- Individual social media marketing posts
- One info session / tabling during fall semester (outside of NSBE/SHPE career fair week)
Interested in a large-scale or custom-built recruiting experience that doesn’t fit into one of the categories above? Reach out to us to discuss options, and we can come up with a customized plan and quote for you.
Please note that sponsorships do not cover registration costs for the student-run Fall NSBE/SHPE Career Fair or any other fairs held throughout the year.
Early Identification
of student talent pool
Informed hiring decisions
of talented candidates
Build a pipeline
of candidates through internships and co-ops