Evaluating Job Offers

Keep in mind that several employers have different compensation structures and pay scales for every position. The starting salary, midpoint and maximum salary combined with other factors, such as your education and experience, might determine the offer as well as how much the company is willing to negotiate.

  • Know the salary range that you are seeking before negotiating.
  • Never immediately accept an offer, even if it’s the only one you anticipate receiving. This gives you time to digest the information, analyze the offer, and allows time for other offers to come in.

Factors to consider when negotiating

  • Paid time off, vacation time, sick leave, start date
  • Commission or bonuses
  • Retirement contribution
  • Health plans
  • Tuition assistance
  • Relocation expenses

Know the market and consider your:

  • Experience
  • References
  • Niche/expertise
  • Educational background
  • Credentials
  • Affiliations
  • Specific skill set

Before entering the negotiating process:

  • Understand the job qualifications and how you are prepared to do the work
  • Know your goals and determine what you want
    • What benefits are available to employees?
    • Set minimum and ideal goals for concession packages.

  • Will I be successful there?
  • How will my success be measured?
  • How often will I have performance evaluations?
  • What is the on-boarding process like?
  • Am I excited about this company?
  • What will my schedule look like?
  • When will I start?
  • Are there any red flags or do I have a bad gut feeling about this opportunity?

Offers and the Workplace

Relocation Resources

Salary Websites

Cost of Living Resources

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